- Login to your toucanBox account here
- Follow the ‘manage subscriptions’ link
- Click ‘add another subscription'
- Choose which payment option you'd like
- Fill in the details of the child
- Click ‘confirm’
How do I synchronise my children's subscriptions?
- Find Child 1's next billing date, which can be found under Manage Subscriptions and in the Your Next Box section
- Click Pause on Child 2's subscription
- You will be presented with a list of dates to pause this subscription until
- Pause Child 2's subscription to match the billing date of Child 1
- This will synchronise the two subscriptions to allow their boxes to be shipped at the exact same time
Child 2's subscription will appear as paused until the next scheduled billing date
P.S We recognise the above process is a little difficult. If you're struggling with it, please just contact us and we'll sort it out for you :)